As the natural ecology on which we depend shifts due to climate change, how do we adapt? How do we map and explore possible pathways for action in order to bridge the recent past, ongoing changes, and projected futures?


As the natural ecology on which we depend shifts due to climate change, how do we adapt? How do we map and explore possible pathways for action in order to bridge the recent past, ongoing changes, and projected futures?

Although carbon emissions continue to rise, global energy and consumption systems are in the midst of a transformation towards low carbon futures. But what happens in the meantime? How do we react to the climatic changes that we already see, changes which we expect to intensify in the coming decades: more frequent, intense weather events, prolonged droughts, rising sea levels, and more dangerous heat waves? How do we address the indirect effects brought on by these changes, from changing disease vectors and shifting species habitats to human migration and relocation? 

This workshop will explore these questions and help build an understanding of the trajectories, impacts, and influences of climate change. Together we will reframe the risks into opportunities and imagine beautiful futures that we can fall in love with.

Climate change will have an impact on everyone so this workshop is open to all. It might be particularly relevant if you are working in (or studying) climate adaptation, tourism, agriculture, healthcare, housing, planning, or education. It is for those wanting to identify resilient opportunities for your business or organisation. And, for those who want to use creative methods for generating optimistic, possible futures. Or, you might simply be curious to explore how climate change will affect your future.

This workshop will be a mix of immersive experiences, lectures, and hands-on activities. We will take a multidisciplinary approach, combining basic climate science, sociology, data science, design methods, and a bit of theatre and role-playing. Expect full days, deep engagement in the field of climate adaptation and a bit of personal reflection.

  • How to understand and use climate data—both natural/physical data and data on social/human behavior.
  • How to understand and apply concepts of risk, vulnerability, and systems change. 
  • How to develop ranges of concepts that are flexible to multiple adaptation scenarios and robust to uncertainty.
  • How to stay grounded when working within a complex and, at times, distressing topic.

  • Computer
  • Notebook
  • Yoga Mat



Aug 5
August 8, 2024
5 Days
Copenhagen, Denmark