Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design is an international hub of creative and strategic minds. We share a passion for people, nature and technology. Our life-centred approach enables us to create impact through the design of innovative products, services and systems.

Join us for the opening of our new flagship campus in Bergamo, Italy at 5pm on September 27th, 2024.

This event will feature a series of brief but fascinating stories from some of the people who have made this magical institution possible as well as plenty of time to chat and learn from each other over a drink and aperitivo.

Register here!

CIID's community of thinkers, builders, and change-makers has always been our greatest asset, and we're eager to expand our community in Italy.

Graduation Picture of the IDP 21-22 Batch

Our Global Community



Picture of David Rose
David Rose

Visiting Faculty
Spatial computing expert, entrepreneur, and author of 'Supersight'

Picture of Joey Huang
Joey Huang

IDP 2019
Senior Product Designer, Apple

Norris Hung

IDP 2020
Product Designer, Regrow




We offer dynamic learning experiences including our one-year, full-time programme for those who want to become practitioners in interaction design. Our Pop-Up Schools host shorter courses focused on different aspects of technology and design in locations around the world.


Interaction Design Programme

Taught by experts in design, technology and innovation, the Interaction Design Programme is a one-year, immersive experience that imparts the skills, mindset, and knowledge to become a proficient interaction designer. There are multiple opportunities for industry collaboration which empower students to work on complex, real-world problems.‍‍

Picture of Lea-Labreche Lemarie

"To me, the Interaction Design Programme was a time in my life where I consciously invested in myself, and I'll forever be thankful for it. The IDP is what you make of it. With an open mind, it's an opportunity to zoom-out of your own career and life, and to be inspired by a network of incredibly diverse, genuine, and talented people."

Lea-Labreche Lemarie

IDP 2020
Lead Creative Strategy at Random Studio


Jose Chavarría final IDP project.

Jose Chavarría, 2021

What if we could experience the world from a different perspective? These masks enable us to explore and enhance the human perception of reality by swapping a human sense with a non-human sense. Inspired by turtles, bats and snakes, we are able to embody the different ways these creatures perceive the world.
Final IDP project by Diana Pang.

Diana Pang, 2021

Creating space for intimacy for sexual assault survivors and their partners. Epione consists of a grounding device that helps couples connect with the present moment through synchronising their heart rates, and a card game that encourages communicating boundaries between couples.
Herin Haramoto's final IDP project.
Color Tone

Herin Haramoto, 2021

Experiencing sound through sight and touch. Color Tone lowers the barriers between deaf and hearing people by enabling people with hearing loss to perceive sound in different ways. It allows them to access sound and provides a creative outlet for self-expression, encouraging shared experiences and new ways of communicating.
Deepshikha Kapoor's final IDP project.

Deepshikha Kapoor, 2022

Piiq encourages play, reinforces collaboration and is designed to help children learn social skills lost during the pandemic. Mini interactions enable creativity, co-creation and collective problem-solving. PIIQ contains embedded technology that elevates the game experience, adding an element of magic for a delightful interaction.

Ana Acevedo, 2021

Learning STEM through mixed reality and interactive storytelling. By building physical prototypes and interacting with voice-driven AR characters, girls can explore STEM topics in a fun way and work on their self-confidence with the help of the main storyteller Luci.
Wolfe Erikson's final IDP project.

Wolfe Erikson, 2022

People find it hard to navigate deep feelings of isolation and loneliness caused by living with health conditions conditions that require complex care such as Multiple Sclerosis, Mast Cell Activation Syndrome, and Endometriosis. IN–JOY builds a joy-centred community for these people.




CIID is dedicated to addressing real-world challenges by placing a strong emphasis on life-centred design principles and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration.

We empower individuals and organisations with both the skills and mindset necessary to create products and services that not only meet high standards but also make a tangible and positive impact on the world.